Personal Details:
Name: David
In-game Username: 4 N G 3 R
Location: UK
Age: 19
Prevous Expierience:
2 years ago i useto run my own server called Nemises, after the server files got currupt i retired from coding to this day, i still play other servers and have been a mod in servers such as: Dodian(RIP), 2Specced, JCscape, thats the most heard of i can remember and that have been online for years, some other servers were only on for 48-62 hours and after that they went offline.
Why do you want to be a Moderator on BranScape?
I believe that i could make a excelent staff member and team member with other fellow staff and community members, i know am still a noob as many of you say, but it dosent matter how long you play a new server, its the experience that matters.
Why do you think you deserve to be a Moderator?
I dont think i deserve it because its not upto me and because i got a busy life style, including paying off a mortgage and having 2 jobs, so basicly sometimes i dont really have the time to come online because of that, but i do try to get on and stay for like 3-4 hours on my days off i just play Branscape because i dont have anything better to do.
Thanks Shiv and Staypuff for reading this app
Yours Sincerly
4 N G 3 R
Name: David
In-game Username: 4 N G 3 R
Location: UK
Age: 19
Prevous Expierience:
2 years ago i useto run my own server called Nemises, after the server files got currupt i retired from coding to this day, i still play other servers and have been a mod in servers such as: Dodian(RIP), 2Specced, JCscape, thats the most heard of i can remember and that have been online for years, some other servers were only on for 48-62 hours and after that they went offline.
Why do you want to be a Moderator on BranScape?
I believe that i could make a excelent staff member and team member with other fellow staff and community members, i know am still a noob as many of you say, but it dosent matter how long you play a new server, its the experience that matters.
Why do you think you deserve to be a Moderator?
I dont think i deserve it because its not upto me and because i got a busy life style, including paying off a mortgage and having 2 jobs, so basicly sometimes i dont really have the time to come online because of that, but i do try to get on and stay for like 3-4 hours on my days off i just play Branscape because i dont have anything better to do.
Thanks Shiv and Staypuff for reading this app
Yours Sincerly
4 N G 3 R