Informations about yourself?
My name real name is Lisa Williams,
I'm 16 years old and I live in New Jersey.
I'll be Online 2 hours a day.
Do you think you're helpful, And how?
- I always help new players.
- I always warn players from Glitching (If they Glitch again I'm going to report them).
- I can give away 1-5M for each new player as a starter.
- I always speak respectfully.
- I will report any Glitch/Error on the Server.
I know this might be a "Weak Application" as Shiv says.
I dont have Mod experience because I've never been a Mod before!
But I think you'll be happy to have me as a Staff.
I dont have Mod experience because I've never been a Mod before!
But I think you'll be happy to have me as a Staff.